Constellation of Lyra - Morgan's Magical Harp

Constellation of Lyra - Morgan's Magical Harp
In Welsh folklore, there’s a tale about a man named Morgan who was infamous for his dreadful harp-playing. His music was so grating and discordant that it drove his neighbours to the brink of madness. Yet, Morgan remained blissfully unaware of his musical shortcomings, convinced of his own brilliance as he strummed away outside, much to the dismay of everyone around him.
One day, as fate would have it, a professional musician stumbled upon Morgan’s torturous performance and couldn’t help but burst into laughter and mockery.
Unbeknownst to Morgan, three magical beings from the fairy realm of Twlwyth Teg were observing the scene with great interest. That night, the fairies, disguised as weary travellers, visited Morgan’s home. They knocked on his door and, with pleading eyes, explained their hunger and exhaustion. Without hesitation, Morgan invited them in, offering them food and drink and urging them to rest their tired feet.
Morgan’s kindness shone brightly, and in gratitude for his generous hospitality, the fairies presented him with a magical golden harp. With this enchanted gift, Morgan’s music transformed into something truly marvelous. His new talent attracted audiences from near and far, who danced and sang with joy at his concerts.
One day, the mocking musician happened upon Morgan’s awe-inspiring performance and was utterly amazed.
Seizing the chance for a bit of playful revenge, Morgan used the magical harp to make the musician dance uncontrollably and foolishly.
Morgan fell to the floor laughing, holding his sides as the musician danced foolishly around the town.
The fairies, seeing their gift misused for spite, decided to step in. The moment the harp fell from Morgans fingers as he rolled in mirth upon the floor, The twlwyth tea reclaimed the golden harp and placed it high in the sky among the stars, ensuring it would be forever out of reach and used only for its intended enchantment.
So, the next time you find yourself gazing up at the starry skies of Wales, remember that each constellation holds a story waiting to be told.