History &
History and Heritage
Nid yw hanes ym Mhowys yn ymwneud â'r hyn a ddigwyddodd ers talwm, nid yw'n ymwneud â dyddiadau ac olion llychlyd. Mae'n ymwneud â'r presennol.
Peidiwch â darllen am ein cyndeidiau mewn llyfrau yn unig. Gweld yr hyn a welsant, cyffwrdd yr hyn y maent yn cyffwrdd, cerdded milltir yn eu hesgidiau. Neu yn achos Llwybr Cenedlaethol Clawdd Offa, gallwch gerdded 177 milltir. Ewch ar ein rheilffyrdd stêm, mordeithio ein camlesi, archwilio ein ffyrdd tram a llwybrau porthmyn. Ewch am dro yng ngerddi pleser ein trefi sba Fictoraidd, rhyfeddwch at argaeau cerrig mawr Cwm Elan ac Efyrnwy a’r tirweddau a grëwyd ganddynt.
A phan ddaw i amgueddfeydd, yma ym Mhowys nid ydym yn rhy hoff o'r agwedd "edrych ond peidiwch â chyffwrdd" at hanes, Ni fyddwch yn dod o hyd i amgueddfeydd fel hyn yn unrhyw le arall ym Mhrydain. Mae hynny oherwydd eu bod yn ymroi i arwyr lleol fel Amgueddfa Goffa Robert Owen yn y Drenewydd. Maen nhw'n adlewyrchu rhyfeddod a hynodrwydd selogion go iawn.
Yna mae ein cestyll... dechreuodd rhai ohonynt fywyd fel caerau canoloesol llwm. Daethant yn gartrefi teuluol moethus lle gallai'r cyfoethog a'r pwerus ddangos cariad at bensaernïaeth, garddio a'r celfyddydau. Daeth y Rhufeiniaid, y Mersiaid a'r Normaniaid i gyd i weld yr hyn yr oeddent yn ei hoffi ac adeiladu caerau i'w hawlio.
Mae hyn i gyd yn golygu y gallwch chi weld castell bron unrhyw le ym Mhowys, mae gan y rhan fwyaf o'n trefi un. Yr adfeilion atmosfferig sy'n coroni bryn uwchben Trefaldwyn, er enghraifft, neu'r "twmpath" gwyrdd wrth ymyl yr afon yng Nghrucywel.
Mae gan Bowys, ardal sy’n llawn hanes, gasgliad o gestyll cyfareddol sy’n plethu tapestri cywrain o orffennol canoloesol Cymru at ei gilydd. Mae Castell Powys, ger Y Trallwng, yn destament mawreddog i etifeddiaeth bensaernïol y rhanbarth. Gyda'i gwreiddiau'n dyddio'n ôl i'r 13eg ganrif, saif y gaer fawreddog hon yn osgeiddig yng nghanol gerddi hudolus, gan ganiatáu i ymwelwyr nid yn unig archwilio'r waliau cerrig a'r tyrau ond hefyd ymhyfrydu yn y terasau wedi'u trin yn fanwl a'r arddangosfeydd blodau bywiog.
Ymhellach i'r dwyrain, mae Castell Trefaldwyn yn edrych dros y nenlinell, yn edrych dros dref swynol Trefaldwyn. Mae adfeilion y castell yn adrodd hanes o bwysigrwydd strategol, ei leoliad ar ben bryn yn darparu cadarnle milwrol a golygfa awdurdodol o'r amgylchoedd prydferth. Mae'n fan lle mae sibrydion straeon canrifoedd oed yn aros yn yr awyr.
Gan fentro i ganol Bannau Brycheiniog, daw rhywun ar draws amlinell ddramatig Castell Carreg Cennen. Wedi'i lleoli'n ddramatig ar graig galchfaen, mae'r gaer hon nid yn unig yn cynnig cipolwg ar bensaernïaeth ganoloesol ond hefyd golygfeydd syfrdanol o gefn gwlad tonnog Cymru. Mae’r adfeilion yn atseinio ag ôl troed cenedlaethau’r gorffennol, gan adael ôl annileadwy ar y dirwedd.
Mae Castell Bronllys, sydd wedi'i leoli yng nghanol dyffryn gwyrddlas Gwy, yn berl llai adnabyddus, ond eto mae'n cynnwys swyn tawel. Mae ei weddillion yn sôn am oes a fu, gan wahodd meddyliau chwilfrydig i ddychmygu'r digwyddiadau a ddatblygodd o fewn ei waliau cerrig. Ymhellach i'r dwyrain, mae olion Castell Llanfair ym Muallt yn ychwanegu at dablau hanesyddol cyfoethog Powys, gan gyfrannu at naratif y rhanbarth fel canolbwynt grym a dylanwad canoloesol.
Er bod Castell Maesyfed yn dwyn creithiau amser, mae'n parhau i fod yn symbol teimladwy o hanes Powys. Mae ei leoliad strategol a'r straeon sydd wedi'u hysgythru yn ei cherrig yn ei gwneud yn gyrchfan gymhellol i'r rhai sy'n awyddus i dreiddio i'r gorffennol.
Mae pob un o’r cestyll hyn ym Mhowys yn dyst byw i wydnwch, mawredd ac arwyddocâd treftadaeth ganoloesol Cymru.
Boed yn crwydro drwy’r cyrtiau, yn dringo grisiau tŵr, neu’n amsugno’r golygfeydd yn unig, mae ymwelwyr yn cael eu cludo i gyfnod lle safai’r cestyll hyn fel symbolau pwerus o gryfder, bri, ac ysbryd parhaol y bobl a luniodd gwrs hanes yn y rhyfeddol hwn. rhanbarth.
Cerdded Trwy Hanes
Amser i strapio'ch esgidiau a chamu'n ôl mewn amser, y teithiau cerdded Hanes a Threftadaeth hyn wedi'u datblygu gan Swyddog Cofeb Rhyfel Powys a phartneriaid i'ch helpu i deithio trwy amser heb yr angen am DeLorean neu Tardis.
1. Talgarth World War 1 Walk
Talgarth (near Brecon) is a small market town in Powys, mid-Wales. According to records, Talgarth was the capital of the early medieval Welsh Kingdom of Brycheiniog (Brecknockshire).
The name Talgarth means ‘front of the hill’ and the town is situated at the foot of the Black Mountains.
A circular walk around the town has been produced by the Talgarth Walkers are Welcome Group and the Powys War Memorials Project. The walk enables you to find out how men, women and children from Talgarth were involved in and affected by World War 1.
The walk is just over 1 mile long and has been graded 'easy' because there is little ascent or descent and most of the walk is on pavements.
The English version of the walk leaflet can be downloaded here.
The Welsh version of the walk leaflet can be downloaded here.
There are also QR codes and associated website pages for the Talgarth walk. Here is a direct link to the History Points website page with information about the QR codes:
History Points QR codes for Talgarth World War 1 walk
We would welcome any feedback or comments about the walk.
2. Llandrindod Wells: World War 1 QR code walk
A World War 1 QR code walk around Llandrindod Wells was developed in association with the organisation, History Points.
The 1.5 mile (approximate) walk around the town enables you to find out more about Llandrindod Wells during World War 1.
Here is a direct link to the History Points website page about the walk:
Here is a direct link to a map showing where all the QR codes are located in Llandrindod Wells:
Here is some information about what QR codes are and how to use your phone or other device to access QR codes
3. Christ Church Welshpool World War 1 Poppy Trail
Christ Church in Welshpool is a redundant Victorian church that has become the life and love of Karl, Natalie and their three sons. The family have embarked on a lifelong restoration project, to create both a beautiful home and an atmospheric public space so all can share in this unique building and its heritage.
The Powys War Memorials Project has worked with Christ Church in Welshpool to create a World War 1 poppy trail walk around the church and its grounds. The poppy trail walk explores war memorials in the church itself and graves in the church yard.
The English version of the poppy trail walk leaflet can be downloaded here.
The Welsh version of the poppy trail walk leaflet can be downloaded here.
4. Brecon World War 1 Trail
The Powys War Memorials Project worked in collaboration with History Points to create a World War 1 trail around Brecon in Powys.
The trail, just over 1.5 miles long, enables you to explore 14 places of interest associated with World War 1.
5. Llanidloes World War 1 Trail and App
Two local historians have developed an app for a World War 1 trail in Llanidloes.
Llanidloes in the Great War available as PDF here
(Cliciwch yr eicon PDF i'w agor)
6. Crickhowell & Llangattock in World War 1
Take our self-guided tours to discover the many ways in which Crickhowell and Llangattock were affected by the war. To start the tour, simply use your mobile to scan the QR codes at any of the featured places (HiPoints).
When you’ve read the text for that location, click “Next” to see the text and map for the next place on the tour. Eventually you’ll return to your starting point.
The tour routes meet at the river bridge, so it’s easy to follow both or one at a time.
To follow the tours virtually, choose a starting location from the boxes on the right.
To view maps showing all HiPoints on these tours, follow the links:
Crickhowell map or Llangattock map.
The tour was created by HistoryPoints in conjunction with the Powys War Memorials Project.
7. Machynlleth in World War 1
Take our self-guided tour to discover the many ways in which Machynlleth was affected by the war.
To start the tour, simply use your mobile to scan the QR codes at any of the featured places (HiPoints). When you’ve read the text for that location, click “Next” to see the text and map for the next place on the tour. Eventually you’ll return to your starting point.
To follow the tour virtually, choose a starting location from the box on the right.
To view a map showing all HiPoints on this tour follow this link.
The tour was created by HistoryPoints in conjunction with the Powys War Memorials Project.
8. Newtown in World War 1
Take our self-guided tour to discover the many ways in which Newtown was affected by the war.
To start the tour, simply use your mobile to scan the QR codes at any of the featured places (HiPoints). When you’ve read the text for that location, click “Next” to see the text and map for the next place on the tour. Eventually you’ll return to your starting point.
To follow the tour virtually, choose a starting location from the box on the right.
To view a map showing all HiPoints on this tour follow this link.
The tour was created by HistoryPoints in conjunction with the Powys War Memorials Project.
9. Welshpool in World War 1
Take our self-guided tour to discover the many ways in which Welshpool was affected by the war.
To start the tour, simply use your mobile to scan the QR codes at any of the featured places (HiPoints). When you’ve read the text for that location, click “Next” to see the text and map for the next place on the tour. Eventually you’ll return to your starting point.
To follow the tour virtually, choose a starting location from the box on the right.
To view a map showing all HiPoints on this tour follow this link.
The tour was created by HistoryPoints in conjunction with the Powys War Memorials Project.
10. Ystradgynlais in World War 1
Take our self-guided tour to discover the many ways in which Ystradgynlais was affected by the war.
To start the tour, simply use your mobile to scan the QR codes at any of the featured places (HiPoints). When you’ve read the text for that location, click “Next” to see the text and map for the next place on the tour. Eventually you’ll return to your starting point.To follow the tour virtually, choose a starting location from the box on the right.
To view a map showing all HiPoints on this tour follow this link.
The tour was created by HistoryPoints in conjunction with the Powys War Memorials Project.