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Tair Chwaer o Bumlumon

Gan gysylltu Blwyddyn y Môr thematig Croeso Cymru (2018) a Darganfod (2019) rydym wedi creu prosiect hwyliog sydd  yn dod â hanes tair chwaer Pumlumon - Hafren, Gwy ac Ystwyth yn fyw

‘Yn uchel yn y mynyddoedd du, ar lethrau gwyntog Mynydd Pumlumon, cyfarfu tair chwaer i drafod y broblem fawr o beth oedd y ffordd orau i’r môr – oherwydd, gan eu bod yn wirodydd dŵr, roeddent yn hoff o’r cefnforoedd. Penderfynodd y cyntaf gymryd y llwybr uniongyrchol, ac aeth tua'r gorllewin. Daeth yn afon Ystwyth, a hi oedd y gyntaf i gymysgu â dyfroedd hallt. Cafodd yr ail chwaer flas ar dirwedd, a gwnaeth ei ffordd trwy fryniau porffor a dyffrynnoedd euraidd - Gwy oedd ei henw. Penderfynodd y chwaer arall yn erbyn toriadau byr a chymerodd 180 milltir iddi gyrraedd y môr. Mae’n ymddangos bod yr Hafren yn dymuno ymweled â holl ddinasoedd tecaf y deyrnas, a pheidio byth â chrwydro ymhell o afaelion dynion.

gwyliwch y fideo yma

Tair Chwaer
of Pumlumon

The Story
Which Are You

Three Sisters of Plynlimon

The Tale | Chapter one


Our story begins long ago, high up in the black mountains, on the windswept slopes of Mount Plynlimon…


One glorious morning, as the sun cast its first light of day upon the grassy valleys below, and birds soared in spirals through the calm summer breeze, Plynlimon couldn’t help but think there was something missing. Settled upon the highest point of Mid Wales, he could see for miles and miles across the beautiful landscapes beneath him. Everything seemed perfect. And then it dawned on him — there was no life flowing through his veins — not a river or water in sight. 


Plynlimon pondered long and hard about how he could bring flowing waters to his beloved valleys but could not find the answer. Years went by as he searched for the solution and his eyes filled with sadness at what seemed an unfathomable task. He felt helpless and put his head in his hands for a little while, contemplating what he should do next. But as he raised his head, almost fully composed, he blinked, and with that, three giant teardrops spilled from his eyes, splashing directly into his two palms. 


What happened next was quite extraordinary.


Plynlimon stared at the drops of moisture that had settled into small puddles, cradled in the palms of his hands. Warily he slowly began opening his fingers up, wide enough to allow the tears to trickle to the ground. But just seconds after the water had landed, large puddles started to form — three to be precise. The puddles got larger and deeper, muddier and boggier. He stared at the three pools in front of him, bewildered at how his eyes created such masterpieces. 


At that moment, Plynlimon understood his fate. He was the source of water; he just hadn’t known it.


Plynlimon made the decision to nourish and care for these water sources with the hope that, one day, they could venture from the mountain in form of rivers and add a splash of life to his beloved land. He claimed the magically formed pools as his offspring and named them Ystwyth, Wye and Severn — three water spirits. 


The daughters brought such joy to their father during their lifetime, but eventually the day came when Plynlimon knew that it was time for them to flee the hills and create paths to the sea. 



But suddenly it dawned on him. The pools that Plynlimon’s daughters had grown from were drying up, and overjoyed by his daughters’ existence, Plynlimon found he had no more tears left to cry. 


There was simply not enough water to form the rivers. He had to think fast.


He gathered the last bit of water in his hand and sat upon his rock. For many days and many nights, the doting father worked tirelessly with a needle and thread, looping, weaving and pulling at the droplets of water until finally, exhausted, he collapsed into a heap — three shimmering bundles in his arms.


Plynlimon beckoned Ystwyth, Severn and Wye and asked them the question they had been longing to hear:


“My daughters… the time has come for you to join with the sea.”


One by one he presented his daughters with their cloaks, gently placing each one over their heads and tying a delicate knot under their chins.


“Armed with these water cloaks, you will create your own paths and fulfil your destiny as water spirits. How will you make the journey?”


Bursting with glee, Ystwyth, the boldest and most fearless water spirit of the three, answered first:


“Father, I have been longing to reach the sea to smell the salty air for so long. I will head west and use the shortest route possible to meet the wide waters.”


With a proud nod of approval from Plynlimon, Ystwyth shot forth from the mountain, gathering pace as her cloak billowed behind her, forming a fresh stream of water. She weaved in and out of the rugged landscapes, meeting rich wildlife on her way before reaching the coast of Cardigan Bay, settling in a little town — which she later named Aberystwyth. 


Next up to fulfil their destiny was Severn who was elated at the thought of the fair folk she would encounter on her journey: 


“I will not rush to the shore; I wish to take the long route to the sea. For many years I have yearned to experience Welsh charm and wander the people’s great cities, beautiful towns and quaint villages to learn their ways. On my journey, I will water the meadows of the people and nourish their land.”


Her father embraced her and told her that they would meet again. As she said she would, Severn took her time gliding through towns and villages, before she and her cloak eventually flowed into the Bristol Channel. 


Lastly, having watched her two sisters burst from the mountain top, creating silver streams in their paths, Wye stepped forward:


“While Ystwyth is wild and Severn seeks culture, I intend to seek beauty and tranquillity by meandering through lush countryside, woodland and forest to make harmony with nature. Creatures will thrive as I flow through the purple hills and golden valleys, creating sanctuaries for them along the way. Wildlife may wander with me, swimming in my path to the sea.”


Plynlimon kissed his daughter and said goodbye. She turned, a pool of water forming behind her as she and began her journey  down the mountain side. 


She flowed for 185 miles, at one with nature, before uniting with her sister, Severn. They recounted their magical adventures and epic experiences through the fair land.  


Satisfied that he’d raised his three daughters with such unique and admirable qualities, but saddened that they had fled, the mighty Plynlimon let out a heavy sigh which trembled through the towns below him. He wondered when they would return to repeat their water cycles again.



To be continued… 

Pa Chwaer wyt ti?

Sain Tair Chwaer

Cydymaith wedi'i greu ar gyfer eich amser yn yr awyr agored.  Gan gymryd ysbrydoliaeth o’r myth Cymreig ‘Tair Chwaer Pumlumon’ mae’r profiad sain hwn yn caniatáu ichi glywed meddyliau a chyfrinachau tair afon fawr Cymru: Hafren, Gwy & Ystwyth.

'Dilyn fi, Hafren, ddoeth a thymhestlog. Mae gen i dân yn fy mol sy'n llosgi na ellir ei ddiffodd a gallaf eich arwain heddiw. O, annwyl deithiwr, y straeon sy'n rhaid i mi eu rhannu'.

"Rhedwch gyda mi, Gwy, wrth i mi lifo, byth, byth yn rhydd. Afon adnewyddu, ceisiwr atebion i gwestiynau mawr bywyd".

"Dilyn fi, Ystwyth, fe af â chi ar antur o ddarganfod a rhyfeddod. Fe ddangosaf i chi'r hud sy'n cuddio yn y beunyddiol o'ch cwmpas".

Yn ystod eich amser yn yr awyr agored, y chwiorydd fydd eich cymdeithion ond chi sy'n rheoli eich profiad. Mae pum rhan i bob cyfarfod ystyriol ac rydym yn eich annog i gymryd eich amser rhyngddynt, i golli eich hun yn eich amgylchoedd a darganfod yr hud sydd o'ch cwmpas.
I gael y profiad gorau, defnyddiwch glustffonau.


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Digwyddiad Tair Chwaer,
Ras i'r Môr

Ras 50km newydd ‘anadlu’ i roi athletwyr drwy eu pwysau ar daith epig o’r tir i’r môr

Bydd Ras i'r Môr yn mynd â cherddwyr a rhedwyr brwd o lethrau Pumlumon i arfordir Bae Ceredigion


Cychwynnodd rhedwyr, cerddwyr a cherddwyr fel ei gilydd ar her 50km newydd sbon ar 27 Hydref 2018, fel ras gyntaf o’i math  calonnau anfonedig yn rasio gyda'r gorau sydd gan Ganolbarth Cymru i'w gynnig.

Ffurfio rhan o'rTair Chwaer o Bumlumon prosiect a arweinir ganCyngor Sir Powys,Ras i'r Môr trin cyfranogwyr i filltiroedd o dirweddau syfrdanol a llwybrau tonnog, gan ddechrau ym Mynyddoedd Cambria a gorffen ar arfordir Bae Ceredigion.

Aeth y llwybr, sy’n ymestyn ar hyd afon Ystwyth, â cherddwyr a rhedwyr brwd ar daith na ellir ei gwneud ond ar droed — gan eu harwain o bentref Llangurig trwy fryniau a dyffrynnoedd tuag at y llinell derfyn yn Aberystwyth.

Gan ddechrau am y tro cyntaf yn 2018, mae’r ras yn talu teyrnged i Flwyddyn y Môr 2018 Croeso Cymru a Blwyddyn Darganfod 2019 sydd ar ddod, trwy gynnig antur epig ar draws tir a dŵr i bobl o Gymru a thu hwnt.

Yn ystod y ras, bydd cyfranogwyr  dod ar draws pum man gwirio — Cefen, Tŷ Mawr, Pont-rhyd-y-Groes, Trawscoed a Glynwern — pob un yn darparu’r mannau gorau i wylwyr barcio i fyny a gwylio teulu a ffrindiau ar y diwrnod.

Llywyddwyd y digwyddiad ei hun ganDigwyddiadau Mynyddoedd Cambria ac mae’n ffurfio un elfen o Gyngor Sir PowysTair Chwaer o Bumlumon prosiect. Gan weithio mewn partneriaeth â Phartneriaethau Cyrchfan Ceredigion, Canolbarth a Gogledd Powys a Biosffer Dyfi ynghyd â Digwyddiadau Mynyddoedd Cambrian, ffocws y cyngor yw ymgysylltu â chynulleidfaoedd ledled Cymru gyda hanes gwirodydd dŵr y dywedir iddynt ffurfio afonydd Ystwyth, Hafren a Gwy.

Mae partneriaid yn gobeithio y gall y stori helpu i arddangos arlwy ddiwylliannol unigryw Canolbarth Cymru a hyrwyddo’r rhanbarth fel y gyrchfan dwristiaeth orau.

Dywedodd Wendy Abel o Rwydwaith Cyrchfan Canolbarth a Gogledd Powys: “Rydym wrth ein bodd yn dod â stori Tair Chwaer Pumlumon yn fyw a chreu digwyddiad a fydd yn dod yn ddigwyddiad rheolaidd yng nghalendr chwaraeon Cymru”

Dywedodd y Gweinidog Diwylliant, Twristiaeth a Chwaraeon, yr Arglwydd Elis-Thomas: “Wrth i ni barhau i ddathlu ein ‘Blwyddyn y Môr’ bydd y digwyddiad newydd gwych hwn yn helpu i dynnu sylw at rai o olygfeydd a llwybrau cerdded harddaf Canolbarth Cymru - y ddau. fewndirol a thuag at ein harfordir godidog.”

“Mae hanes Tair Chwaer Pumlumon yn dathlu ein diwylliant cyfoethog a’n tirweddau dramatig a gobeithio y bydd digwyddiad eleni yn ysbrydoli pobl o bob rhan o Gymru a thu hwnt i wisgo’u hesgidiau cerdded ac archwilio’r ardal mewn ffordd nad ydyn nhw efallai wedi gwneud hynny. o'r blaen.”


Am y Prosiect 

Gan gysylltu Blwyddyn y Môr y Môr (2018) a Darganfod (2019) thematig Croeso Cymru (2019) â’n partneriaid, rydym wedi creu prosiect hwyliog sy’n ceisio dod â stori tair chwaer Pumlumon yn fyw - Hafren, Gwy ac Ystwyth.

Bydd gweithgaredd y prosiect yn digwydd o fis Gorffennaf 2018 tan ddiwedd 2019 a bydd yn cwmpasu ardal y prosiect yn Sir Drefaldwyn, Sir Faesyfed a Cheredigion.

Mae’r prosiect yn cael ei arwain gan Gyngor Sir Powys mewn partneriaeth â Phartneriaethau Cyrchfan Ceredigion, Canolbarth a Gogledd Powys a Biosffer Dyfi a Digwyddiadau Mynyddoedd Cambrian.


Mae’r prosiect hwn wedi derbyn cyllid drwy’r Gronfa Ymgysylltu Twristiaeth Ranbarthol (RTEF) ac wedi’i gefnogi drwy Gymunedau Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru - Rhaglen Datblygu Gwledig 2014-2020, a ariennir gan Gronfa Amaethyddol Ewrop ar gyfer Datblygu Gwledig (EAFRD) a Llywodraeth Cymru, Cyllid i wella profiad ymwelwyr a chreu cyrchfannau cryfach trwy gydweithio.

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